Skin Laser & Plastic Surgery Centre |
Service Hours |
Monday – Saturday | 9:00 A.M. – 7:00 P.M. | Sunday & Public Holidays | Closed |
Consultation Hours (By appointment only) |
Plastic Surgery (Dr. Teresa TAN)
Monday, Friday & Saturday | Plastic Surgery 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. | Tuesday | Plastic Surgery 9:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M.
| Wednesday | Plastic Surgery 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. 3:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. | Thursday | Plastic Surgery 9:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. 2:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. |
Services |
Laser Treatment ‧Lasers are sources of high intensity light with specific wavelengths. They will be absorbed by specific target in the skin with subsequent destruction of the target. ‧They can be used to treat pigmented lesions (freckles, sun spots, brown spots, Naevus of Ota, tattoo) and vascular lesions (port wine stains, telangiectasia). Skin tone, texture and pore size can be improved. Excessive or unwanted hair can be removed. ‧Mild redness and swelling over treated areas are expected. Avoid excessive sun exposure before and after the procedure and follow the skin care regimen suggested by doctors after treatment.
Photo Facial Treatment ‧Characterized by broad spectrum wavelengths, the intense pulsed light (IPL) penetrates the epidermis and improves the appearance of the complexions significantly. ‧It can be used treat a variety of skin problems. For example, pigmented lesions (freckles, solar lengtigo and age spots), unwanted hair on face, axilla, legs, vascular lesions (small vessels, telangiectasia on face). Improvement of skin tone and texture also possible. ‧There is temporary redness and swelling over the treated areas but this does not interfere with normal activities. Avoidance of excessive sun exposure is essential after treatment.
Aesthetic Medicine Botox wrinkle treatment Botox facial reshaping Botox calf reshaping Hyaluronic acid wrinkles treatment and Facial reshaping Chemical Peeling (AHA)
Thermage ‧Thermage delivers radiofrequency energy to the underlayer of the skin to tighten collagen and stimulates new collagen growth. The Thermage procedure is operated by qualified and professional physicians who specialize in cosmetic procedures. ‧The treatment can tighten and stimulate the three distinct skin layers : the epidermis, the dermis, and the subcutaneous layer. ‧Visible improvements can be noticed even with one single treatment. ‧Generally, improvements are immediately visible and sustaintable up to six months. Treatment results can last for 2 years or longer. It depending on the skin condition and the aging process. ‧With each touch of the Therma Tip device, patient will feel a short, deep heating sensation. The procedure can take anywhere of the body from several minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the treatment area. ‧Completely non-invasive, no surgery, no injection.
Chemical Skin Peeling ‧Chemical skin peeling is one of the peeling treatments which applies natural AHA gradually. ‧AHA helps removing dead and damaged skin, speeding up skin renewal, increasing skin elasticity and triggering new formation of collagen with continuous use. Acnes, fine lines and skin dryness can also be improved. ‧The use of highly concentrated AHA is administered by dermatologist.
Facial Cosmetic Surgery Upper & lower blepharoplasty Eyelid drooping Rhinoplasty Chin augmentation Thread lift Facial fat transplantation Otoplasty
Body Sculpturing Breast augmentation Breast lift or reduction Breast reconstruction Liposculpturing Abdominoplasty Treatment of hyperhidrosis and bromidrosis
Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery of Congenital Conditions Cleft lip & palate Hypospadias Microtia
Cancer Management Head & neck cancer resection and reconstruction Breast cancer excision and reconstruction Skin cancer excision and reconstruction
Facial Trauma, Skin Lesion & Burn Management
Scar Treatment Scar revision Hypertrophic scar & Keloid Acne scar
Cryotherapy ‧Cryotherapy uses liquid nitrogen, at a very low temperature, to spray directly onto the target to induce cold injury. It can be used to treat warts
Intralesional Steroid Injection ‧Steroid is injected using a device known as dermojet directly into the lesion. It can be used to treat keloid, alopecia areata and psorratic nail dystrophy etc
Patch Test ‧Patch testing is a simple procedure to help diagnose allergic contact dermatitis and identify the causative agent. e.g.Metal.
Skin Prick Test ‧Skin prick test can identify allergens responsible for triggering urticaria. e.g. Dust mites, difference types of food etc.
Skin Biopsy ‧A skin biopsy is a diagnostic procedure which involves the removal of a piece of skin for examination under the microscope.
Wood’s Lamp ‧It emits ultraviolet light and can be a diagnostic aid in determining fungal or bacterial infection and vitiligo
Nail Clipping ‧It provides microbiological confirmation of nail fungal infection.
Curettage and Cautery ‧It is a treatment to treat warts and corns.
Acne Treatment and Recovery Course Eczema wet Wrap Skin Tumour Diagnosis and treatment Pigmented Skin Lesions Diagnosis
Additional Information |