settlement of the Sisters of St. Paul de Chartres in Hong Kong
beginning of St. Teresa's Hospital
The starting of Nursing School at St. Teresa's Hospital
Setting up of Special Care Unit in East Wing
Setting up of Haemodialysis Unit
Expansion of North Wing to the 10th Floor.
Installation of the first CT Scanner on ground
floor of South Wing.
Expansion of Special Care Unit to I.C.U. on first
floor of the North Wing.
Setting up of non-invasive cardiac laboratory and the
of stress test.
24 hours service started in the General
Out-Patient Department
Availability of Spirometry
Setting up of Fiberscopic Endoscopy Unit
Setting up of Ophthalmic Unit for Laser
Therapy and A Scan Biometry
Setting up of Lithotripsy Centre
Setting up of Sir Run Run Shaw
Heart & Diagnostic Centre -
Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory
Expansion of CT Scan Department to
basement of North Wing with
acquisition of M.R.I.
Installation of fundas camera in the Ophthalmic Unit
Setting up of E.M.G./E.E.G. Unit
Installation of Mammographic Examination
Unit and scanning at theCT/MR Department
The beginning of Open Heart Surgery
Expansion of I.C.U. on second floor of North
Completion of the New East Wing with
expansion of various departments and wards
Introduction of Nuclear Medicine
Opening of Institute of Laser Dermatology
Commissioning of Fine Needle Aspiration
Introduction of Bone Densitometry
Inaugural Issue of the Hospital Newsletter
Participation in the Tricentennial Anniversary Exhibition
of the
Formal possession of the Lomond Road site of the
hospital extension
(KIL10721) from the Government
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the New Hospital Extension
Transmyocardial Laser (TMCR) for treatment of end stage
Incorporation of St. Teresa's Hospital
Foundation Ceremony & Blessing Service for
the New Hospital Extension
Implementation of the HIS Admission / Pharmacy / Billing
Availability of Radionuclei Thyroid Treatment
In-house Allergy Testing System of Serum IgE
Celebration of the 150th Foundation Anniversary of the
congregation in
Hong Kong
Inauguration of the STH Catholic Nurses Guild
Implementation of HIS In-patient System
Formal Commissioning of the Y2K Compliance Project
Opening of the Refractive Laser Centre
Trent accreditation exercise begins
Hospital taking part in the territory-wide Y2K drills
Y2K Rollover Transition Alert
Trent Accreditation pilot survey
PET Scan and Cyclotron commence operation
Introduction of "Troponin T" test in Laboratory
Implementation of Laboratory Information System
Award of a 2-year accreditation certification by Trent
Introduction of “Helicobacter Pylori” test in Laboratory
Upgrade of the Lithotripter Imaging System
Maternity Department awarded with a 5 year accreditation
by the Hong Kong College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Closure of Nursing School
Appointment of Dr. C.M. Wong as the Medical
Grand Opening of the Main Block
Opening of the Cancer Centre
A 2-year full accreditation certification granted
by the Trent Accreditation
Introduction of Ure Breath Test (UBT) for H. Pylori in
Establishment of the Patient Health
Resources Centre
Opening of the Eye and Refractive Surgery
Partial re-opening of the renovated East Wing
Implementation of Laboratory Information System
2 year full accreditation certification awarded by
Trent Accreditation Scheme
Re-opening of School of Nursing
Inauguration of Endoscopy Centre
Official opening of the newly renovated laundry
School of Nursing relocating from Lomond
Road site back to Hospital’s main premises
Launching of hospital’s Intranet
– “Hospital Information Centre”
2 year full accreditation certificate awarded by
Trent Accreditation Scheme
Installation of Biplane X-ray System at SRRS
Heart & Diagnostic Centre
Nursing Council of Hong Kong accrediting hospital’s EN
Program for 5 years
Laboratory introducing TN-T for better cardiac profile to
investigation of for AMI disease
Opening of Hearing & Speech Centre
Joint BSN (Hon) Program entered with SPH and Hong Kong
Polytechnic University
Grand Opening of St. Teresa’s Medical Centre
and Teresa Garden
Opening of Skin Centre, Rehabilitation Centre
and Chinese Medical Centre
New BD Unit (Hologic Discovery) being installed at X-ray
for bone densitometry and body composition analysis
Re-opening of the renovated Chapel at South Wing
Nursing Council of Hong Kong granting accreditation to
(Hon) Program (being run in conjunction with the hospital and SPH) for
3 years
2 year full accreditation certificate warded by
Trent Accreditation Scheme
Commencement of foundation work at
Lomond Road Site
SRRS Heart & Diagnostic Centre upgrading CT equipment
to Dual Source Definitive Flash
Opening of Comprehensive Breast Centre
Laboratory introducing rapid test service for detecting C. difficile
(glutamate hydrogenase) in faecal specimen
Opening of a new Health Screening & Diagnostic Centre
Hospital awarded 2 year full accreditation by
Trent Accreditation Scheme of UK
Opening of a newly renovated premium
private ward at M7
X-ray Department introduced 2 new services, namely
digital mammography with tomosynthesis and
xMatrix (Real Time MPR/4D) Ultrasonography
Opening of the newly renovated Oncology Centre with new services of
Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy (IMAT) introduced
Existing general radiography rooms were
upgraded to digital radiography system
SRRS Heart & Diagnostic Centre introduced
new biplane catheterization laboratories
Scanning Department newly renovated with additional MR scanner
Commissioning of new geriatric ward at S3
School of Nursing successfully accredited for
Higher Diploma Program (EN) at QF Level 4
Introducing Omnicell Automatic Dispensing
Cabinet (ADC) in wards
Commissioning of portable digital radiography system
Hospital awarded with full accreditation by ACHS
for 4 years until Jan 2018
Upgrading of linear accelerator (True Beam)
at Oncology Centre for radiotherapy
Celebration of 75th anniversary of the
establishment of the Hospital
SRRS Heart & Diagnostic Centre upgrading
CT Scanner to Siemens SOMATOM Force
Commencement of Robotic Surgical
System in Operating Theatre
Launching of Filmless Radiology System
in Scanning Department
Participation in electronic Health Record Sharing
System (eHRSS) initiated by Food and Health Bureau.
The Cyclotron Pharmaceutical Centre (CPC)
obtained license from Radiation Board
of Hong Kong (RBHK).
Commencement of PET-MRI service in
Scanning Department
Approval granted by Radiation Board Medical Panel
to appoint the Hospital’s out-patient clinic to conduct
statutory medical examinations for our radiation
workersfor 3 years till January 2021
Hospital awarded with full accreditation by
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
(ACHS)for 4 years until February 2022
The Cyclotron Pharmaceutical Centre (CPC) obtained license from the
Drug Office, Department of Health as Authorized Seller of Poisons for
supplying various radiopharmaceutical and novel tracers for diagnosis
of Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC),Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and
prostate cancer
Upgrading and commissioning of a single room in
Special Care Unit (SCU) to Isolation Room
Commissioning of an additional operating room
(OT Room 18) in Operating Theatre
Deployment of staff to assist in the
Government’s Universal Community Testing
Programme (UCTP) for COVID-19
Obtained license from the Department of Health
under the new regulatory ordinance
“Private Healthcare Facilities Ordinance Cap. 633”
Introduction of “DPYD Genotyping Screening Test”
in Laboratory
Hospital awarded with accreditation by
Australian Council on Healthcare Standards
International (ACHSI) until February 2024
Entrusted by the Government to operate
Community Vaccination Centre (CVC) in
Boundary Street Sports Centre
Clinical Laboratory obtained accreditation under Hong Kong Laboratory
Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS)
Completion of First Year Focused Advisory
Advisory Checkpoint 1 (FAC 1) required by
Australian Council on Healthcare Standard
Receipt of Government’s Gratitude
for Contribution to the Community
Vaccination Programme
Reservation of 200 adult and 50 paediatric inpatient beds for
non-COVID-19 patients referred by the Hospital Authority to
alleviate pressure of the public healthcare system
Provision of Chinese and Western Telemedicine Services for
COVID-19 Patients
Completion of Accreditation by the Australian Council on
Healthcare Standards International (ACHSI) with 3 years
validity period until December 2026
Commencement of new molecular test services in
cancer tumor by Histopathology Laboratory
Granted Carbon Credits Retirement Certificate by Shell for participation
in projects to reduce global carbon emissions
Hospital Diabetes Week to promulgate the World Diabetes Day