Pharmacy |
Service Hours |
7 days per week | 24 hours per day |
Services |
Dispensing Services In and out-patient dispensing services under direct pharmacist's supervision on 24 hours basis |  |
Drug Counseling Service A team of pharmacists provides relevant & up-to-date drug education & counseling sessions to our patients for optimal drug therapy. Major areas covered are diabetic education & insulin pen injection techniques, drug use for osteoporosis, pain management, patient education for warfarin therapy, asthma & hypertension etc.
|  | Drug Information Service DIS is a part of the clinical pharmacy services which answers drug-related enquiries & makes therapeutic recommendations for clinicians, nurses & other healthcare professionals. Our DI pharmacists provide comprehensive, objective, unbiased, and evidence-base information to health-care professionals for decision making and problem solving activities. Besides, DIS plays in a wide variety of roles including drug selection, product availability in our formulary and publishing updated news/information through our Hospital Intranet regularly. The DIS maintains a wide range of up-to-date drug-related references & utilizes computerized literature searches through the Internet.
Aseptic Dispensing for Chemotherapy Pharmacy has a clean suite equipped with a negative pressure rigid isolator to ensure safe cytotoxic drug reconstitution. All chemotherapy dispensing for in-patients & day-case patients in the Cancer Centre are now centralized in pharmacy to ensure all reconstitutions are carried out under controlled environment for the sake of personnel safety as well as ensuring prepared products are free from microbial contamination. All preparations admixing are performed by well-trained pharmacists to ensure the quality & safety of the final products to be delivered to our patients. |  | Medical Gas Supply Service
Specialist Features |
Quality Assurance Programme In order to strive for better quality & higher standard, innovative systems or projects have been developed & implemented over years based on advanced information technology; such as “Topping-up ward stock system”, “Processing Status Monitoring & Queuing System”, “Cytotoxic Drug Reconstitution Administration System”, “Medication Order Entry” & “Medical Gases Tracking System”
In order to promote patient safety, audits such as “Medication Incidents Reporting Programme” and “Medication Areas Inspection” have been in place to ensure medication safety in the couse of medication use process.
Supply of Quality Medications To provide a full range of quality medications to our patients, we have over 2500 drug items in stock for our clinicians to prescribe. The majority of drugs in our formulary is proprietary products which offer the best choice for our patients in order to maximize the therapeutic treatment at a reasonable price.
Staff Training & Development For new staff training, we introduced “Mentorship programme” in which mentors & preceptors have been assigned to the new comers. Mentors croach and support the new staff through an ongoing, one-to-one relationship. They also serve as examiners to assess the development of new staffs' compentency.
Over the years, our pharmacists not only actively develop themselves in both professional knowledge and skills but also organize continuing education programs for our pharmacy technicians to keep them abreast of the latest development of medicines, related knowledge & practical skills. Specialist physicians from private and government sectors or pharmacists are invited to give seminars to our staff regularly.